Editing an Image

WordPress has a basic image editing tool that allows you to perform some simple manipulation with your uploaded images. You’re able to rotate and flip your images as well as scale them and crop them to different sizes.

When editing the file properties of an image (as opposed to other file types like documents or PDFs), click the Edit Image button that appears just below the image to show the image editing tools.

If you click the Edit Image button whilst using the Grid View, the image editing tools will appear in the pop-up window.

Editing an Image

If you click the Edit Image button whilst using the List View, your page will look slightly different to the above Grid View. As well as the image editing tools, you’ll also see the properties of the file such as the file size and dimensions. You can also still update the Caption, Alternative Textand Description.

Editing an Image

No matter what view you’re using, just above the image you’ll find the following image editing buttons:

Image crop Crop – Click on the image and drag the selection box to size that you’d like the image cropped. Click the Crop button to crop the image to the new size
Image rotate counter-clockwise Rotate counter-clockwise – Rotate the image 90° counter-clockwise
Image rotate clockwise Rotate clockwise – Rotate the image 90° clockwise
Image flip vertical Flip vertically – Flip the image vertically
Image flip horizontal Flip horizontally – Flip the image horizontally
Image undo Undo – Undo the last change
Image redo Redo – Redo the last change

To scale your image to a new size, simply enter the width or height dimensions in the appropriate field and click the Scale button. For best results, scaling should be done before performing any other operations like cropping, flipping or rotating the image. It’s important to note that images can only be scaled down, not up.

After entering one scale value, the other value will change automatically so as to keep the image in proportion. The original image dimensions are displayed just above the input fields, for your reference.

There are several ways to crop your image. The easiest is to simply click on the image and drag the selection box to the appropriate size. If you’d like your image cropped to a specific ratio, enter the values in the Aspect Ratio input fields (e.g. 1:1 (square), 4:3, 16:9 etc.). You can then hold down the shift key and drag one of the edges of your selection to enlarge or reduce the size, while keeping this aspect ratio locked. If there is already a selection made, specifying the aspect ratio will automatically change the selection to match it.

Whenever the selection box is adjusted, the dimensions are displayed in the Selection input fields. You can also manually enter the dimensions of the selection box (in pixels) by entering values into these two fields. Once your selection box is adjusted, simply click the Crop button just above the image to crop the image to this new size.

By selecting one of the options in the Thumbnail Settings panel, you have the option to apply your changes to All image sizes, just the Thumbnailimage or All sizes except Thumbnail.

Click the Save button to save your changes.

Click the Update button to return to the main Media Library page.

If you’d like to revert back to your original image, click the Edit Image button again to return to the image editor. A new Restore Original Imagelink is displayed just below the Scale Image link. Click the Restore Original Image link and then click the Restore image button to discard your changes and restore your original image.

Editing an Image

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